We are The Kindness Offensive (or TKO for short). We are proud to be the world’s largest creators of Random Acts of Kindness. What started as a kitchen table conversation has now grown into a very large group responsible for accomplishing some truly extraordinary things in the name of Kindness.
people as possible to do the same
We are The Kindness Offensive, (or TKO for short). We are proud to be the world’s largest creators of Random Acts of Kindness.
We count beneficiaries and supporters from an extremely diverse cross section of the world, our ‘come-one come-all’, no-holes-barred approach has won praise from revolutionaries such as Russell Brand as well as politicians including Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbin. We’ve won awards from UK Prime Ministers and national newspapers. Plus millions around the world have viewed our online offerings. Kindness is infectious and, having caught the bug, we’re actively spreading it as far as we can! Our approach has turned kindness into a celebration and a participation win-win sport for all!
TKO is best known for being the world leader in extra large Random Acts of Kindness events; these events involve epically large spaces, hundreds of volunteer members and thousands of tonnes worth of goods being distributed far and wide, all with the aim of brightening up the lives of millions of beneficiaries. We also relish undertaking smaller, more personal Random Acts of Kindness, as well as delivering several projects that operate week-in and week-out across London England.
It’s hard to pigeonhole TKO. We are not a charity, business, NGO, religion or official group of any type; we are simply a group of like-minded people brought together by the simple idea of ‘having fun with kindness’.
We are The Kindness Offensive, we are irreverent, we are formidable and we are tenacious; throughout we aim to be helpful, harmless and kind. We are grateful to those who support what we do and blind to those who don’t. We are optimistic about the human endeavour and keen to play our role within it.
businesses alike. Please use the contact button at the bottom of the site if this is of interest to
your organisation.

The Kindness Offensive is only able to do what we do thanks to the many kind supporters we have; we are very grateful to them all.
In this space it would be nearly impossible to list the phenomenal number of companies, corporations, grant-bodies and groups, along with the names of all the individuals who have supported what we do and have done; so here you will find just a fraction of those that have supported The Kindness Offensive since 2008.
"WOW what else can you say about The Kindness Offensive! "
Andrew “The Man” Owner
"Thank you so much Kindness Offensive for your support during the Covid-19 Pandemic."
Cheryl JonesFundraising Officer
"The Kindness Offensive is a great initiative that does fantastic work. We were delighted to be able to help them."
Vivienne MackinnonSenior Manager, Marketing
"Glad we could help TKO. Keep up the good work you’re a credit to society!!!"
Mark PughDirector
"Kindness moves mountains. We are pleased to see the Kindness Offensive growing, and encompassing so many joyful activities."
Sandy Lee Trustee
"From the first moment we met The Kindness Offensive we were impressed by their mission… Working with them over several years has been everything we could have hoped for."
Foye PascoeHasbro General Manager UK
"We are very impressed with The Kindness Offensive, they are a joy to work with and we would recommend them to anyone with an empty property."
Barrington WilksSenior Project Manager
"We are very grateful to the awesome people at The Kindness Offensive. We are proud and honoured to support this beautiful cause"
Nick VassilevCEO
"XL Catlin are very happy to be working with The Kindness Offensive."
Vanya Harris XL Catlin Head of Social Responsibility
"The Kindness Offensive is a well run organisation that really makes a difference."
Frank Gillespie Company Director
"I’m very happy, very proud and very excited by what’s going between with L & Q Kindness Offensive I would highly recommend them to anyone with an empty property."
Cay NlewedimL&Q Commercial Property Manager
"The Kindness Offensive really strikes a cord with us as Random Acts of Kindness is something we do anyway, so it was great to meet a group that do them on such a large scale."
Hilary Jones Lush, Ethical Director
"The Kindness Offensive are good guys doing a great project."
Sam Thornley Sales and Marketing Assistant
"It’s great working with The Kindness offensive, we love playing our part being a small cog in a big wheel of what they do."
Martin Detheridgh & Tim BarringtonDirectors
"When we first heard about The Kindness Offensive we got really excited and immediately thought ‘what can we do to help."
Sally Bailey CEO
"Euro Food Brands has proudly supported The Kindness Offensive over the past years for their great charity activities and will continue to do so in the future."
Gianluca Simeone CEO
"It was a great experience and incredibly exciting to be involved with the group, who is dedicated to bringing small and huge acts of kindness to everyone."
Ali SmithFOTW Project Co-ordinator
"We are very proud to be involved with The Kindness Offensive. We fully support everything the organisation represents and are happy to be a part of it."
Ben JohnsMarketing Executive
"It’s been great supporting The Kindness Offensive over the years."
David ManningGroup Internal Communications Manager / Press & PR
"We have loved supporting The Kindness Offensive over the years and look forward to more in the future."
Phil Taylor Head Lighting Technician
"Working with The Kindness Offensive has been fantastic."
Carla SpoortsHead of Processes, Organisation
"The Kindness Offensive are a great organisation that mirror our own ethos of delivering the extraordinary."
Tom ParkerMarketing Manager
TKO beneficiaries include community groups, charities, hospitals and of course hundreds of thousands of individuals hailing from every conceivable walk of life. Below you will find only a small number of those we serve.
"On behalf of the staff and children on Peanut Ward, we would like to thank The Kindness Offensive for your very kind donations."
Christine BullSenior Staff Nurse
"Thank you Kindness Offensive for bringing a smile to both our staff and children's faces."
Jemma KempInterim Corporate & Community Fundraising Manager
"We cannot thank TKO enough for their amazing kindness and what this means to our staff and children."
Charlie HuddlestonFamily Team Assistant
"The Kindness Offensive donations will really make a huge difference to the children in our care, and of course their families too."
Tammy SavillCommunity Fundraising Executive
"A huge thank you to The Kindness Offensive."
Jodie AllenOperations Manager STCA & St Pancras & Somers Town Living Centre
"On behalf of Hestia, thank you to Kindness Offensive for your generosity and kindness."
Nadiyka PyzikCommunity Engagement Coordinator
"We are so grateful for the generosity of Kindness Offensive."
Deputy Team ManagerThe London Borough of Ealing
"Kindness Offensive generosity will allow families to come together to laugh and have fun."
Niki MasonFounder
"Everyone at Arsenal Football Club is extremely grateful to The Kindness Offensive."
Lynne ChaneyCharitable & Players’ Correspondence Executive
"An enormous thank you The Kindness Offensive. You've been incredible in your support."
Suzanne BrennanDirector of Fundraising & Marketing
"Thank you Kindness Offensive for so many great donations."
Dorothea HackDirector of Euston Foodbank
"It has been wonderful working with the generous souls at TKO. They are people who care about others. What a great bunch!"
George CookChief Executive Officer
"Thank You Kindness Offensive for supporting us to help so many vulnerable people in need, what your doing is wonderful."
Anne ElkinsSchools Programme Manage
"Camden Council appreciates the donation of products arranged by TKO. Camden looks forward to working with TKO again soon."
Phillip VaughanLearning Disabilities Project Manager
"Thank you so much for your incredibly kind donation of Lush items to our frontline workers during the Covid-19 pandemic."
Carol HaraldssonHead of Charitable Giving at UCLH Charity
"RAPt’s family work has benefitted hugely from from The Kindness Offensive both on an emotionally and financially level."
Rebecca MistryRAPt Family Work Coordinator
"THE KINDNESS OFFENSIVE is unrivalled and highly inspirational; FOOD FOR ALL feel very privileged to have had their support over many years."
Jennie MatthiasRegional Manager
"The Kindness Offensive is a fantastic project; sharing the gift of kindness, what more could you ask."
Diane Henderson Salvation Army Major
"We appreciate the Kindness Offensive who have brought great joy to the children on our wards."
Abbi SpurdleRoyal Free London Play Specialist
"Thanks to The Kindness Offensive we have been able to hold our free English sessions and events, helping refugees and migrants to learn English and celebrate our diverse community."
Joanna Bevan Speak Street Founder
"The Kindness Offensive team have been wonderful supporters of First Step. We thank them all for their tireless work and valued contribution."
Carla SpoortsHead of Processes, Organisation
"The Kindness Offensive are great supporters of User Voice, we are so grateful to them for all they do."
Daniel Hutt Chief Operating Officer
"The Kindness Offensive’s amazing work is supporting charities to help thousands of our vulnerable service users in need! I was so impressed and inspired by all their volunteers."
Ember HibbertYoung Refugee Service Manager
"We were astounded by the spirit of TKO, kindness is the essence of everything they do. On behalf of our service users, THANK YOU."
Ngozi Fulani Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA)
"The Kindness Offensive is an inspiration to us all - THANK YOU to them for their amazingly generosity towards the vulnerable families we support."
Tamar GlynSenior Coordinator Harrow
"The Kindness Offensive immediate and generous response to our call for help from them galvanised us into action. Looking at our lovely labelled up boxes from TKO gave us renewed heart."
Sally Dent Founder
"We are very grateful to the Kindness Offensive for their contribution of products to our cause."
Suzanna den DulkSenior Events Manager
"TKO greatly enhances our work. TKO volunteers are very friendly, relaxed and helpful when they work with us."
Andrea SinclairAGE UK: Arts, crafts & Media Tutor
"The Whitefield Academy Trust is very grateful to The Kindness Offensive. This is a great example of support from the community to young people with SEN"
Laura PeasePrincipal
"Thank you to The Kindness Offensive. Everyone at TKO is so chatty and friendly which is so refreshing and welcoming! TKO has been superb in helping the spinal cord injury community, and that’s the keyword, community."
Lauren TheodosiCommunity Fundraising Officer
"Laughter and Kindness go hand in hand. The Kindness Offensive provides us with the perfect space for our free laughter club."
Odette KurlandFounder & Instructor
"The generous support we’ve received from The Kindness Offensive has been invaluable in helping us do our work across London."
Owen DuffManager

The Works Kindness Offensive project partners with landlords to turn empty buildings (that are often awaiting planning permission or tenants); into positive spaces for communities. The Works programme has flourished in extremely large and small spaces, sometimes for weeks while some Works projects have run for several years.
With clear financial and ethical advantages to landlords and communities a wide variety of projects have been made possible through The Works, including free libraries, community centres and business incubation initiatives, which have helped dozens of fledgling enterprises find their feet.
Please take a look below to view just a fraction of those involved with The Works.
"London & Quadrant are so proud to be working with The Kindness Offensive."
Cay Nlewedim: Commercial Property Manager
View WebsiteView Video"I really enjoy working with The Kindness Offensive, they're a lovely bunch of people."
Mark Wells: Senior Project Manager
View WebsiteView Video"We are most grateful to The Kindness Offensive Works project for their generous support of our project."
Keith Harwood: CEO - Crime Reduction Manager
View Website“The Works Kindness Offensive is the “Life blood of my start-up business” as it provides us with all-inclusive work space, advice, technical and financial support.”
Danny Sekibo: CEO
View WebsiteView Video"The Works Kindness Offensive has inspired WEPT and makes what we do possible."
Vanessa M'Boge: CEO
View Website"The Works Kindness Offensive has always given us incredible and priceless support, enabling us to grow what we do."
Vanessa M'Boge: CEO
View WebsiteView Video"The Kindness Offensive has given our family run company, Ann Pryer Jewellery, a chance to grow, offering us unheard of levels of support and instilling within us the belief that we can succeed."
Jamie Balbontin-Fisher: CEO
View Website"Thanks to the help of The Works Kindness Offensive support we have been able to grow and develop our business gaining exposure and contacts and ultimately more success."
Simon Lipson: Owner
"The kindness Offensive has provided space, support and business development advice to help grow our business, enabling us to engage clients and deliver training. I am grateful to them."
Diana Simpson: CEO
View Website"The Kindness Offensive have underpinned Global Educ8tions community learning activities, without the core support from TKO we would not of been able to grow as an organisation."
Vonley Joseph: CEO
View Website
We are grateful to the journalists who have contributed to making this area of the website as amazing as it is.

“TKO are phone whisperers. Meaning they call people up, ask them to make a donation to a project and, more often than not, they get what they’ve asked for.”
Read More“The Kindness Offensive (TKO) is a group based in London known for orchestrating large-scale random acts of kindness”
Read More“The shop has been set up by The Kindness Offensive (TKO) which performs "random acts of kindness".David Goodfellow from TKO said: "We're trying to put the books back into people's hands.”
Read More“The Kindness Project on Camden Road, Islington has 100,000 books given by publishers and others diverted from landfill for people to take.”
Read More“The Kindness Offensive is a do-good organisation set up by three plucky Londoners in 2008. Their aim is to perform acts of kindness in order to inspire more people to do even more kind acts.”
Read More“We inflated helium balloons and gave them out to children in Victoria Park in Bath. It was so lovely to see how much fun the children were having with the balloons and we had a blast too.”
Read More“A chance meeting with this legendary blagger put Londoner David Goodfellow on to a new path. Goodfellow was fascinated, and asked the Phone Whisperer to teach him the craft.”
Read More“TKO are a record breaking organisation, who work tirelessly, for free, to help others. Life is a team sport and kindness and generosity is a key part of being a part of any good and effective team.”
Read More“Come and help yourself to some free books to build your home library or add to your children's storybook collection! A lot of the books will not be ordered or categorised but every book in the shop is free of charge to take away!”
Read More“Today we’re speaking with Joanna Bevan of The Kindness Offensive, who along with her fellow volunteers, is on a mission to have fun, be kind and inspire as many people as possible to do the same.”
Read More“Charity volunteers who converted a Sixties Routemaster to run on vegetable oil called on others to follow their example today.”
Read More“Random Acts of Kindness Day is often a day that is overlooked. Don’t worry though, you probably aren’t the only one who has never heard of it.”
Read MoreLocal heroes: Camden group gives away hundreds of tonnes of toiletries from Dalston Warehouse during Covid-19 pandemic
This TV item has been aired across Europe seven times, (so far), and seen by over ten million people. You can watch it here in English, French and German
WatchBBC London Radio
The Kindness Offensive gather around the phone as David Goodfellow gets interviewed by Phil Gale
ListenBBC Radio Scotland
TKO & Professor Carey Cooper are interviewed about German 'Robin Hood Banker' who transferred money from wealthy accounts to poorer ones.
ListenLBC 97.3fm
David Goodfellow interviewed by Jeni Barnet on LBC about TKO's 2010 Pancake Day event

On two occasions The Toy Trust helped TKO to deliver tens of thousands of toys across the UK.
Founded by the BTHA, the Toy Trust is the industry’s charity. It exists to raise money predominantly from the toy industry, its suppliers and friends; and distribute the money raised to charities helping disadvantaged and disabled children within the UK and abroad.
The Morrisons Foundation helped TKO to create some very unusual gardening projects. The Morrisons Foundation has been set up to make a positive difference to people living in England, Scotland and Wales.
The Lottery Community Fund has helped The Kindness Offensive deliver 150 tonnes of donations to good causes – THANK YOU!
TKO’s Celebrate Neighbours Day was made possible by The Big Lottery Fund!
TKO is the only group to have ever had four members honoured with places on the Independent on Sundays prestigious Happy List.
Thanks to Camden Giving The Kindness Offensive has been able to continue its C19 for longer, reaching and helping more people in need.
The Morris Trust helped to fund The Kindness Offensive’s green aims.The Kindness Offensive is very grateful to The Morris Charitable Trust for providing the funds needed for our vegetable oil engine conversion to The Kinder Bus (The Kindness Offensive’s very own classic 1965 Routemaster). Thanks to The Morris Trust Kinder is not only one of the kindest Buses in the world, it is also now one of the greenest!
People’s Postcode Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.“Funding is awarded to good causes that support a better world for people and planet, and so it’s apt that players of People’s Postcode Lottery have been able to fund The Kindness Offensive. This is a fantastic venture to bring the local community together to share an inspiring space in the city.”
Clara Govier– Head of Charities at People’s Postcode Lottery
Islington Council’s Community Chest made possible free TKO language lessons for refugees.
“Islington Council’s Community Chest were delighted to award The Kindness Offensive a Islington Council Community Chest grant in July 2015 towards the creation of a learning and sensory garden”.
Nikki Wimborne – Programme Officer
Cripplegate Foundation & Islington Giving

People’s Postcode Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

TKO is the only group to have ever had four members honoured with places on the Independent on Sundays prestigious Happy List.

Hasting Coop funding played a crucial part in enabling TKO to reach over 100,000 people in need during the C19 epidemic.

Thanks to Camden Giving The Kindness Offensive has been able to continue its C19 for longer, reaching and helping more people in need.

The Morrisons Foundation helped TKO to create some very unusual gardening projects. The Morrisons Foundation has been set up to make a positive difference to people living in England, Scotland and Wales.

Founded by the BTHA, the Toy Trust is the industry’s charity. It exists to raise money predominantly from the toy industry, its suppliers and friends; and distribute the money raised to charities helping disadvantaged and disabled children within the UK and abroad.

The Morris Trust helped to fund The Kindness Offensive’s green aims.The Kindness Offensive is very grateful to The Morris Charitable Trust for providing the funds needed for our vegetable oil engine conversion to The Kinder Bus (The Kindness Offensive’s very own classic 1965 Routemaster). Thanks to The Morris Trust Kinder is not only one of the kindest Buses in the world, it is also now one of the greenest!

Islington Council’s Community Chest (administered by the Criplegate Foundation) provides to organisations that work with Islington residents.

10 Downing St awarded TKO this honour for a world record breaking toy giveaway.

TKO’s Celebrate Neighbours Day was made possible by The Big Lottery Fund!

Take part in small and large events at locations across London or make a valuable contribution from the comfort of your own living room.
There’s stuff to do to suit every persuasion, your talents will not be wasted. Join our mailing list and we will send you information about upcoming events and other ways to take part in activities that sound appealing to you; always be sure to tell us about any special skills you may have to share.
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